SERS also works on nuclear projects such as ITER (intervention on 3D reinforcement under TEKLA):
The main building is intended to house the world’s largest tokamak reactor, a cylinder 28 metres in diameter, 29 metres high and weighing no less than 23,000 tonnes on the « Saint-Paul-lez-Durance/Cadarache » site (Bouches-du-Rhône).
In order to support such a load, the 60-metre high building required specially reinforced concrete containing 750 kg of steel reinforcement per cubic metre (compared with 350 kg per cubic metre for an EPR nuclear reactor).
The two annex buildings will form a structure of 120m long by 80m wide and 80m high.
The other annex buildings are the assembly building, a 2-storey building and various industrial buildings.

Consortium : Grands Chantiers Régionaux, Les Chantiers Routiers, Dodin Campenon Bernard, SBTPC, BOTTE company foundations : VINCI construction, Ferrovial, RAZEL-BEC
Phase: Detailed design phase of projects
City: Saint-Paul-lez-Durance
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