SERS : Bridge Construction Consulting Duabi
SERS is an Engineering and Bridge Construction Consulting firm in Dubai that has an ultimate mission of creating and developing structural solutions for bridge construction. Having a team distinguished by its great experience as well as its competence, we designate an effective bridge construction solutions for companies in the UAE and worldwide. Thus, the experienced engineers who are the pillars of our company of Bridge Construction Consulting Dubai, offer our clients brilliant assistance at all stages of their projects. With many years of experience, SERS establishes high-quality solutions for bridge construction in Dubai, beginning with the preliminary design phase, identifying and highlighting requirements and constraints, and finally reaching the construction phase.
Furthermore, we provide the kind of assistance that our clients’ project requires, aiming to speeding up and facilitating the process of construction. Thanks to the qualifications of its staff, SERS guarantees the quality and efficiency of its bridge construction consultation Duabi. Indeed, our customers satisfaction has always been our ultimate goal, throughout 6 years of working in civil engineering and bridge construction field.
We offer Bridge Construction Consulting for:
Structural Engineering Projects, Buildings Rehabilitation Projects, Silos Tanks, pavements and heavy roads’ design and execution, Special foundation Projects, Design and execution for earthquake-resistant zones.
Our Construction Solutions Dubai
SERS engineering consulating firm elaborates bridge construction solutions based on calculation, design, optimization and execution. Possessing by the sense of rigor as well a fascinating creativity, a good teamwork, and an impresive experience, our engineers know well how to deal with the various technical challenges raised by major projects of bridge construction in Dubai. Our consultants analyze and accurately identify the constraints from the preliminary design phase, in order to advise and guide the client. In addition, our experts have a remarkable knowledge of many kinds of structures used in civil engineering and bridge construction.
Using modern equipment, we create the best designs of for bridge construction projects in Dubai. Whether during the prelimenatry phase or even the final phase, we offer bridge construction consulating Dubai, taking into account the materials in use (reinforced concrete, metal and wood, etc.…). Certainly, SERS Dubai team is in charge of carrying out the necessary diagnoses, and consequently, displaying sucessful solutions, using software at the cutting edge of technology to have splendid results.